Welcome to Elation.global. By accessing or using our website, you agree to these Terms of Use. Please read them carefully.
All content on this site, including text, graphics, and logos, is owned by Elation and protected by copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works without written permission.
Some of the product information, including technical specifications, provided on this site is for evaluation purposes only and may not always reflect the latest or final specifications. For the most up-to-date specifications, please visit ElationLighting.com and download the specifications there, or contact us at sales@elationlighting.com. You may not reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works without written permission.
We are not responsible for any errors, interruptions, or damages arising from your use of this website.
Elation.global is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all users, including individuals with disabilities. While we strive to adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and continually improve our website’s usability, we recognize that we may not always meet every user’s needs.
If you experience any accessibility barriers or have specific concerns, we encourage you to contact us at support@elationlighting.com. We will do our best to address your issue and find a solution.
We may update these Terms of Use periodically. Continued use of the website constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms.